
What is Match?


A term referred to putting in an equal amount of weed to the rest of the people in your smoking group. In other words, if Pip throws in a nug of kine bud, Dudeman has to match the same amount of weed that was put in.

Hey Pip, wanna match up with me after school bro?

See Dudeman


pooling of resources, especially drugs in equal quantities.

yo, match on this blizzy, i wanna phattie but only got an 8th


A device used to light cigarettes, candles, or other sorts of burnables. Generally made of paper or wood with a chemical tip. Matches are struck against surfaces to create friction to easily create fire.

Got a match? I forgot my lighter.

See fire, lighter, cigarette, candle


a line of coke. A bit of barley.

Have you got a match? yes I have.

See coke, barley, snout, vintage, line


A line of cocaine or cocaine in general.

"Just popping to the lavvy for a quick match, shall I leave one in there for ya?"

See coke, charlie, richard, bugle, vintage


match in Lindsborg, Kansas sarcasm language means you don't give a flying fuck about the stupid shit some assfuck is talking about

You're not doing your workout right Johnny!



A way of saying you are cool. Originated from an ancient langauge that doesn't exist anymore.

Wow, you're so Match!


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