Matt Indahat

What is Matt Indahat?


Any one person that is just a bitch when it comes to everything. This person will pussy out on the littlest things... well basically anything for that matter.

A: Alright guys, I'm gonna go. I'll just meet you back there.

B: What?! You're such a Matt IndaHat!

A: Yo, when he came in the room, I almost fainted...

B: HAHA! What a Matt IndaHat!

See bitch, pussy, faggot, loser, vagina


Any one person that is just a bitch when it comes to everything. This person will pussy out on the littlest things... well basically anything for that matter.

A: Alright guys, I'm gonna go. I'll just meet you back there.

B: What?! You're such a Matt IndaHat!

A: Yo, when he came in the room, I almost fainted...

B: HAHA! What a Matt IndaHat!

See bitch, pussy, vagina, faggot, loser


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