
What is Matti?


aka Matti Nykänen: A former Finnish ski-jumper who without a doubt is the best ski-jumper in the world. After his active career as an athlete in the 80's he has lived a somewhat reckless life as a performing stage artist, ended up with three divorces so far and made every effort to live his life in total missharmony ending up to tabloids once in a while.

Alcohol being a major originator in his missleaps of life in many cases has resulted him to be almost a legend in Finnish drinking culture. His immature slogans and bad performing/singing skills have made him to be a common joke in his vocational field, but his popularity however is thereby guaranteed.

"Kaikki on allright ainakin minulla. En tiedä, onko muilla" = "everything's allright with me at least, dunno 'bout others"

"Se on ihan fifty-sixty miten käy" = "it's a pretty fifty-sixty how it turns out to be"

"Elämä on ihmisen parasta aikaa." = "life is the best time in life"

"Saksa-Itävalta on mun toinen kotimaa" = "Germany-Austria is my second motherland"

And many more...


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