
What is Mcf?


Stands for Mongolian Cluster Fuck. Similar to a Cluster Fuck, but more severe - the kind of Cluster Fuck that only a Mongolian Idiot can manage.

The manager had no clue how to direct his team and the entire project turned into an MCF.


Credit Union lingo for "Members Come First". Credit Unions are like banks, only better, because they use covert phrases to communicate their dedication to excellent customer service.

MCF guys, MCF! There are 12 members in line, why are you doing another mini balance?

See teller, mcf, members, bank


Monstrous Computer Failure. When a computer suffers a critical error of which the user has never witnessed before, typically to the extent of producing screens/sounds that he/she has never seen or heard in the past, causing a great amount of anxiety or fear. The notorious blue screen of death could be called an MCF, as it doesn't occur often for the average computer user, and, as one can see from the name alone, is quite intimidating, if not fear-inspiring.

I experienced an MCF, and the entire office LAN went down.

See monstrous, computer, failure, blue screen of death, error


The slogan to a Northern Seattle Gang and soon the future members. This can be used in a caring and helpful tone or a pissed off swear word. MCF does not mean Mongolian Cluster Fuck or Members comes first. MCF truly and honestly means Maggie Clit Fuck. The word derives from the original two profits who attend weekly, Maggies Bluff. These profits are not only known as social icons but the one and only Meef Chief and his loyal followers and scribes.

Spencer: Wow....Way to go Barrett

Barrett: Dude, my bad!

Jameson:Wow, you Maggie Clit Fuck!

John: Hey be nice boys. MCF is pretty hurtful.

Barrett: Ass holes!!!!!

See maggie, clit, fuck, mcf, gnarf, sex


A Northern Seattle gang, whose members are extremely into soccer and attend a Catholic School. A MCF member goes weekly to their favorite restaurant, Maggie Bluffs. MCF also is direct correlation with a Meef Chief. To get in this gang you must go on a splurge of gnarfing. A member must also be one with a hard bodie and good amount of hair. We have weekly sessions of soccer tennis and culinary events.

John: Hey, can I be part of the MCF if I go gnarfing?

Jameson: I guess so.

See mcf, love


Metal Climbing Frame, a style of music that was the cornerstone of early 1990 life at college in North West England. Characterised by songs written 'on the fly' and about difficult teachings at that time, it is also used in conversation to describe situations similar to those described in typical college music lyrics.

Your talking MCF mate, like "Ken, he's got a party sausage and two olives"

"He's a rock climber that can't climb any rocks", that's MCF to you and me

See mcf, metal, climbing, frame, preston


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