
What is Mcgregor?


To partake in a worktime dubie.

See also Fat McGregskie

Hey ..did you bring a McGregor to work today.

See also Fat McGregskie

See dubie, joint, 420, weed, skunk, roach, spliff


The term used to describe the hideous, vaginal bulge often spotted in obese and older women. A McGregor is particularly noticeable in tight trousers; "dustbin bag full of yoghurt" is a good metaphor for this phenomenon.

The McGregor often conceals a pork pie.

"I would have shagged her, but I was worried that her wobbling McGregor might crush my cock completely."

"If you continue eating at such a rate, you'll soon find a monster McGregor stretching the seems of your underwear."

See vagina, bulge, obese, old, flange


A person who is a whinging pom

Geezus mcgregor is a whinging pom

See pom, mcgregor, pommie, whinger


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