What is Meatspin?
The newest installation of internet trickery. It is an of two homosexuals having intercourse while the male on top has his penis spinning in circles. In the deepest parts of hell with the likes of:
O man! omgwtfhaxbbq! I'm going to sick and scarred. Very very scarred by the meatspin.
The spinning of a male's penis while receiving anal sex from another male. Dead or Alive's "You Spin Me Right Round" plays as the background music to this spectacular video clip. It is a must see for anyone trying to get a good laugh or see something out of the ordinary.
He's so gay, he must love meatspin!
Dispite popular belief, this is not 100% gay porn. If you have seen the original clip it's from, you will understand that it is a SHEMALE ontop of a MALE. Thus, its 50% gay porn, as It has boobs.
*I have sat though (and watched) 1,000,000 spins though it only counts to 999,999 then its unreadable
*Don't Judge me. It's hot shit.
person 1: dude, meatspin is so fucking gay.
person 2: hey! That's a shemale on that guy, I have seen the original clip
person 1: thats nasty man.
person 2: says you.
The next step in the gross pics on the internet (Tubgirl, Goatse, and Lemonparty.) It is really a video, but those who don't close it from shock as soon as it loads only know this...
"You can spin faster than the dick on meatspin."
meet•spihn: verb, transitive
(spun: spuhn, spinning, spins)
1. the act of changing a friend’s world wide web browser's home page to the recently popular shock site "meatspin", the owner of said computer is most likely inebriated to the point of total incoherence and inability to ward off the
2. the
1. Brad: “Dude, Billy is so schmasty-faced; he’s out for the count!”
Tom: “Let’s meatspin his ass!”
2. Billy: “Hey Jill, come check out the new Facebook layout”
(Billy covertly accesses the meatspin website)
Jill: “Ahhhh, dammit Billy!”
Meatspin is actually the sodomistic act of a transexual riding a male. It is presented in the form of a shock site accompanied by the song "You Spin Me Round (like a record)" by Dead or Alive.
Oh man I just looked at meatspin! I am offically gay.
Person 1: Hey Meatspin!
Guorong: "Yes, who called me."