What is Mediterranean Milk Farts?


The gas that Italians, Arabs, Greeks, and other inhabitants of the Mediterranean region get when they consume products heavy in lactose, such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt. It is said that the people of these cultures have some of the worst smelling gas imaginable.

Man, my uncle Vito sure can pass that gas. Not just any gas, but he's ALL ABOUT the Mediterranean milk farts. Guess he just can't stop eating grandma's lasagna.

See gas, fart, mud butt, wet fart


The gas that Italians, Arabs, Greeks, and other inhabitants of the Mediterranean region get when they consume products heavy in lactose, such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt. It is said that the people of these cultures have some of the worst smelling gas imaginable.

Man, my uncle Vito sure can pass that gas. Not just any gas, but he's ALL ABOUT the Mediterranean milk farts. Guess he just can't stop eating grandma's lasagna.

See gas, fart, mud butt, wet fart


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