
What is Merk?



1. to kill someone

2. to beat someone in a game

3. to insult someone

4. to injure someone

adj. (merked)

1. looking unkempt

2. looking real stoned/drunk

Look at ya, ya just got merked bitch.

You're merked.


background: merk - to kill someone, from the word mercenary, to kill for money

"getting merked on a tram over roosevelt island" (from El-P's Deep Space 9mm on Fantastic Damage


To kill someone / murder

-"Menzies and Calum merked that crew down bruv!" - Menzies and Calum killed those people badly my friend!

-"Menzies and Calum went bare merking" - Menzies and Calum went on a killing spree

-"No one can merk Menzies and Calum cuz! they are bare nang tings" - Nobody can kill Menzies and Calum my friend they are too kool

See murk, murking, merked, merkage


means to kill, or murder.

Keep talkin shyt nigga an ima have to merk ya pussy ass.

See merk, kill, murder, nigga, murk


(1.) (v)-To kill someone

(2.) (n)-To get killed or murdered

(3.) (v)-To drown someone violently

1-Lets merk that punk!

2-Aha he got merked man....

3-Lets merk billy in the pond!

See merk, murk, kill, murder, drown


the act of comminting homicide upon another person. usually following a black on black arguement and involving guns

Jerome: Yo my nigga!! What tha fuck happened? Jamal: Yo that bitch ass nigga tried to catch me slippin so i had to merk his ass!!

See murk, kill, murder, homicide, violence


Anything you want it to be,

I'm gonna merk babyface so hard she'll never get merked again

i just got merked by some white boy

i forogt to wipe my butt and i just merked my white briefs

See merked, fucked, ghost riding, badass, no hands


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