
What is Metrosexual?


You might be "metrosexual" if:

1. You just can't walk past a Banana Republic store without making a purchase.

2. You own 20 pairs of shoes, half a dozen pairs of sunglasses, just as many watches and you carry a man-purse.

3. You see a stylist instead of a barber, because barbers don't do highlights.

4. You can make her lamb shanks and risotto for dinner and Eggs Benedict for breakfast... all from scratch.

5. You only wear Calvin Klein boxer-briefs.

6. You shave more than just your face. You also exfoliate and moisturize.

7. You would never, ever own a pickup truck.

8. You can't imagine a day without hair styling products.

9. You'd rather drink wine than beer... but you'll find out what estate and vintage first.

10. Despite being flattered (even proud) that gay guys hit on you, you still find the thought of actually getting intimate with another man truly repulsive.

"Some people think he's gay, but he's actually metrosexual."


A new name for something quite old. Men with taste & style who know about fashion, art, and culture have always existed. In past centuries, these kinds of men were in the uppercrust of society (more leisure time). Technology has enabled men with more leisure time, so less wealthy males can now fuss over their looks and aesthetics almost as much as women. An American Metrosexual is like your average European male. In France or Italy, men can be manly and work on cars and know about art and fashion at the same time. They are cool with that and don't need some special name for the less "masculine" side. In the U.S. we think men all have to be eithrt dumb gorillas or homosexuals. There is some grey area! There is an emphasis on not being pretentious in america that itself becomes a kind of pretentiousness. Men who dabble in vanity or in lofty romantic concerns seem less like men when in fact, they are probably better lovers to women than their traditional counterpart.

James Bond is very metro in a lot of ways. He aint no sissy but he has excellent taste.


A straight man who embraces the homosexual lifestyle, i.e. refined tastes in clothing, excessive use of designer hygiene products, etc. Usually is on the brink of homosexuality.

Mike has become a metrosexual after shaving off his stubble and using expensive skin products to soften his cherubic facial features.

See Anonymous


strait guys who are mistaken for being gay because of their fashion sense and hygene habits.

Most gay guys are dissopointed to find out that Zach is only metrosexual and not gay.

Sorry Zach, we love you anyway ;)


A straight guy who’s so cool, smart, attractive, stylish, and cultured, that everyone thinks he’s gay. But he’s so secure in his masculinity that he doesn’t care.

Famous metrosexuals include Ewan McGregor, Damon Albarn, and Jarvis Cocker.

See hip, urban, sophisticated, straight, masculine


A normally straight male who possesses qualities of a gay male without being attracted to men. A metro often appreciates the finer things in life and enjoys making himself look good; be it through styling his hair or wearing fashionable clothes.

Person 1: "Is he gay"

Person 2: "No, he does dress well, but he has a wife"

Person 1: "Oh, he must be metro then"

See Monde


heterosexual male who appears slightly gay due to his impeccable sense of style, belief in designer hygiene, and willingness to emote. by definition, a metrosexual must be male due to the sterotype that women are usually conscientious of these things from the beginning.

"Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" turns perfectly normal American males into stylish metrosexuals.

See fresh meat


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