Mexican Car Stereo

What is Mexican Car Stereo?


What you might get to have in your car if you are too dirt cheapto afford a real car stereo. It may consist of either:

A). You or someone else in your car keeping(or at least trying to keep) everyone entertained by singing songs and/or making "music" by making sounds with your mouth and tapping and banging on objects with your limbs.


B). Having an entire band of musicians in your vehicle playing for you(particularly if they are not playing electronic instruments). This is a more logical alternative if you're driving a vehicle with enough room, like say a van, or a large truck.

Optional: Both methods can also be accompanied by having a Mexican subwoofer along.

Ex 1: FFS, man someone tell that Mexican car stereo back there to shut up!! I'm trying to enjoy our new system here!

Ex 2:

Doug: Now what, Wayne? How are we supposed to enjoy our trip on the open road now that the fucking border cops have found our Mexican car stereo and dumped 'em all in the Rio along with all their mariachi gear?

Truck Driver: No worries, Doug, at least we've got a little somethin' for ya to play an equally pleasing tune on. *unzips pants*

Doug: Awwww yeah. *goes down on truck driver's lap*


Mark H. Bringing you more funny defs since February 2004.

See dirt cheap, subwoofer, system, mariachi


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