
What is Mexijew?


a mexican jew

that mexijew smells like cheese


A mexican usally wearing one of those retarded jew hats. Usally inpersonating a jewish person. This word could also be stated as a very cheap mexican

You Cheap ass Mexijew

See cheap, mexicans, jew, jewish, people, religon


a mexican jew. when a beaner and a jew fuck, the offspring is what you call a 'mexijew'.

Oh my god? Did you hear? Sanchez fucked Andrea and got her pregnant. Their having mexijews!


A mexican who acts like a jew i.e. doesnt pay for yu-gi-oh! cards from friends who seel their stuff or stores(wal-mart, target, jp's sports collectables)

This word is copy-righted by Trey Mulling and Kyle Wheeler

Homero Aleman is a mexijew.

See jew, mexican, yu-gi-oh, beaner, lawls


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