What is M.i.c.?
(tech jargon) An acronym standing for "Made In China" use to describe poor manufactured textiles, automobiles, parts or anything that is considered to be defective. Colloquial use by those in the Southeastern United States following the recall of several Made in China products, tooth paste, toys, etc. Often use to describe a person that is considered as "defective" with one or more personality flaws, e.g., someone that is unable to get along with others. It should be noted that the acronym is pronouced like the word "mike" and not like the derogatory term used to describe someone of Irish ethnicity.
Damn, John, your car won't start again. I told you not to buy the M.I.C. car.
John's M.I.C. personality really wins him the Asshole of the Year Award.
Man, this hamburger really blows. I bet it's a M.I.C.