
What is Milftacular?


The state of being a fucking milf.

HISTORY: Originally coined by Mr. Erickson while on combat duty with his buddy Scott, who later went on to study at pretegious Ivy League Schools.

theQuikSilvrLife: so what about azi?

Warwog: azi's a fucking future MILF

Warwog: she's milftacular

See milf, apples, asian, oranges, sex, erotica


The state of being a fucking milf.

HISTORY: Originally coined by Mr. Erickson while on combat duty with his buddy Scott, who later went on to study at pretegious Ivy League Schools.

theQuikSilvrLife: so what about azi?

Warwog: azi's a fucking future MILF

Warwog: she's milftacular

See ben, asian, erotica, end of the world


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