
What is Milhouse?


Not a meme. - 4chan

"Milhouse is NOT a meme!"

"Milhouse is NOT a meme is NOT A MEME!"


1. Bart Simpson's friend in the popular TV program The Simpsons.

2. Nixon's middle name (without the "e").

1. Milhouse van Houten.

2. Richard Milhous Nixon.


Bart's nerdy myopic best friend on "The Simpsons".

Milhouse says: I hate wearing these flood pants!

(Upon opening his bedroom door, water gushes in.)

Milhouse: "Hey my shoes are wet, but my flood pantsare totally dry. Alright! Everything's coming up Milhouse!"


1. Bart's sidekick.

2. Fallout Boy.

3. Thrillho.

4. Lisa's spanish teacher.

5. Samantha's ex boyfriend.

6. The musical spoon boy.

7. God in glasses.

The life and times of Milhouse.

See thrillho, rocks, you, at, bonestorm


Or "Milly".

Descriptive term for a deluded predatory internet fraudster with pederastic tendencies.

A "fat sweaty mess" often seen wandering around Stansted Airport utterly convinced he has lured an imaginary Italian nubile to his native country. Will often be dressed in a rancid bumble bee outfit and sporting a man bag full of soiled kleenex and anal beads.

Portuguese Police have asked the public to contact them immediately if anyone fitting Milhouse's description was seen in the area at the time.

"This chatroom is monitored by responsible adults. Anyone behaving like Milhouse will be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities"

See nonce, paedo, rapist, beadle


A Character off the popular TV Show the simpsons rumoured to be based on Paul Pfeiffer from the Wonder Years Bart Simpsons best friend and is a target by neslon, jimbo and kearney

milhouse van houten

See Brother Number One


-Term meaning dork,uncool and really nerdy.

-Bart's best friend on "The Simpsons"

Guy 1:Look at that milhouse!

Guy 2:Yeah,he's so totally a milhouse,dude!

(Homer to Milhouse while playing a board game)Ha ha ha! It looks like you,poindexter!


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