Milk Toast

What is Milk Toast?


spineless, lacking backbone. not standing up for oneself

so i said "hey rachel get me a soda biatch" and she did, she always did what she was told, beacuse she was milktoast


spineless, having no backbone.

rachel did exactly what she was told and never stood up for herself, thus she was milk toast.


A teenage boy who: lacks a prominent chin, always has his shoulders slumped, is overweight, goes after girls he cannot ever have, likes poking people, makes high-pitched noises, is white, is involved in Drama, tap-dances, and smells like... sour buttered pasta.

Have you SEEN Jordans kicks? His milk-toastiness is throwing off the whole line.

"Jordan! Stop poking me! You're so... milk toasty!"

See milktoast, whitey, fat, annoying, gayish


jus semen on toast...

mmmmm boy make me some milk toast ;0)


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