
What is Millies?


Watery-eyed, agressive female equivalent to the spide, Northern Irish council estate trash. (English version: pikey) Are always seen in groups of two or more, most likely with a set of double buggies in tow.

Generally associated with trance music, soft drugs, teen pregnancy and the radio station Energy 106. Invariably sectarian.

Appearance is usually overweight or horribly emaciated, either makeupless or slathered in bright orange foundation that sets off their luminous white skin. Hair is greased back into a high ponytail, several strands of hair are normally teased over the forehead to approximate a fringe. Home perms and bleach jobs are not uncommon. Most have at least three or four piercings on each ear adorned with the chunkiest, brassy rings they can find. The millie uniform is a knocked off tracksuit, Hi Tech trainers, coin rings and hiphop style necklaces and chains.

An optional addition is a squawling toddler, usually named "Danielle".

Millies are pack animals, and rarely stray outside their estates, excluding trips to the offie/chippy and perhaps a cheap 18-30 to Ibiza for the lucky ones. Encounter a pack of them, and bar verbal abuse you should be safe, unless you are unfortunate enough to be eyed up by "our fella".

Millies can get served anywhere in the country from age 12, considering by that time they all look like they're pushing 30.

"That bunch of millies set fire to Virgin Megastores because they don't trade pissed-in bottles of White Lightning for Scooter CDs."


Usually wear short skirts up theyre arses on the coldest day of the year and will cover her leg in shit if it meant they'd look like shed been to Spain that Summer. Buys clothes from such "SHAPS" as:


2)New Look

3)Tammy Girl


5)LifeStyle Sports

6)Miss Selfridge

7)Claire's Accessories(for all theyre fake earings,necklaces,braclets that give your skin that greeny colour)

8)JD Sports

9)Primark (only when they are on theyre own as this would prove their disloyalty to the Milly Tribe.They cut off the tags and sew on High Brand ones then sell them around doors)

10)And finally the stalls.

See Also steeks,spides,millbags and townie

This is the population of Millys(including Steeks,spides and trendies)from Belfast in percentage:

Lower Falls Road:100% Milly

Upper Falls Road:92% Milly,6%Alternative, 2%Other

Andersonstown(ANDYTOWN):88% Milly, 5% Rockers, 5% Others

WhiteRock,WestRock and Ballymurphy: 100% Milly.

Lenadoon: 99% Milly. 1% Other

Brooklands: 60% Milly. 40% Skaters

PoleGlass,Twinbrook+Lagmore:100% Milly.

As you can see, the higher u get up the road, the more various groups you meet. But once you hit Lenadoon,swap your baggy jeans for Reebok "trackies",your boots for the "LATEST NIKE AIR MAX" trainers and grab peroxide and hair gel and scramble your head about a bit. Now you fit in , and once you get to cloona change back.

One last warning when in Belfast,Always carry a Hurl.

This is the population of Millys(including Steeks,spides and trendies)from Belfast in percentage:

Lower Falls Road:100% Milly

Upper Falls Road:92% Milly,6%Alternative, 2%Other

Andersonstown(ANDYTOWN):88% Milly, 5% Rockers, 5% Others

WhiteRock,WestRock and Ballymurphy: 100% Milly.

Lenadoon: 99% Milly. 1% Other

Brooklands: 60% Milly. 40% Skaters

PoleGlass,Twinbrook+Lagmore:100% Milly.

As you can see, the higher u get up the road, the more various groups you meet. But once you hit Lenadoon,swap your baggy jeans for Reebok "trackies",your boots for the "LATEST NIKE AIR MAX" trainers and grab peroxide and hair gel and scramble your head about a bit. Now you fit in , and once you get to cloona change back.

One last warning when in Belfast,Always carry a Hurl.


Northern Irish females between the ages of 13-19, usually dressed in tracksuits, dripping with fake gold jewellery, with tons of orange make up covering severe acne, fond of blue WKD, ecstasy and casual sex with whoever is nearby at the time. Foul mouthed and usually found outside the post office on a monday morning with grubby child in broken pram. Aggressive when riled and will think nothing of threatening people with paramilitary organisations.

I was walking home when these two millies started shouting "Hey wee lad, will you see my mate"


Other variations: millbeg, millbag

A female " chav" from Northern Ireland, more so from Belfast. Derives from the name given to the girls who worked in the mills in West Belfast in the 19th century. Today they can be found parading the streets of Belfast. Usually pregnant by age 14 with a cigarette in one hand and a 70cl bottle of "WKD Blue" in the other (and that's while they are still pregnant). Usually bear pink tracksuits or sightly "trendy" clothes, accompanied with dollops of fake tan to give one an orange complexion. Before the morning Novena in Clonard, they are usually seen on the roads in their pyjamas, slippers and with curlers in their hair, accompanying their 7 or 8 pre-teenage children to primary school. Their native call is shrieking abuse at one another in a dialect which takes years to accumulate.

None have a proper education and 95% are on the "Brew" by age 18, collecting benefits (illegally or otherwise).

They love to engage in the following past times:

- having sex with anything with a pulse and a penis

- boast about their "fella" whether or not they are faithful to this certain lad (usually they are not)

- kicking the living daylights of anyone that looks different to them

- popping "E" (or pretending to) and listening to NRG and sickly rave

- screaming secterian abuse to whomever doesn't support their Scottish league football team

- dancing around a burnt out car which their male counterparts have stolen

- being alcoholics/thieves/junkies (or all three)

Approach with caution, can be dangerous.

"Hore's one of dem millies."

"Luk at thon pack of millies!"

"Kill thon fennian millbég!!"


"Kill thon hun of a millbég!!"

See milly, millbag, spide, chav


Native to Belfast, they are usually found hanging out on estates or street corners. They despise all people hu are different (eg. goth,punk etc) and can be found wearing earings the size of basketball hoops, fake nike-air max, tracksuite bottoms, and ofcourse they're beloved Pink peterstorm jackets (Usually stained with WKD..Millies use a version of english that is impossible to understand!

Me: erm...excuse me but could you move please?

Millie: Rite will! Ya lookin til fell that baka my 'and luv!

Me: aaaaahhhhh!!!! *runs away*


A northern irish term for a female townie. Wear bad tracksuits, trainers, have bleached out hair, have several kids (all with different dads), generally look about 10 years older than they really are.

Male counterpart spide

also see millbag

there hard faced looking millies!


Female compliment to the spide. Dress the same as their male counterparts and appear to be immune to contraceptive methods. Like a good shag every weekend and are partial to the odd 'gluebag'. they also enjoy bitch-fights and like bands such as Scooter and other assorted trance and happy hardcore acts. They wear massive earrings which would put Pat Butcher to shame. Name comes from working in the Mills, millworkers shortened to millies.

Look at the state of thon milly. I would touch her with yours.

See Al Bundy


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