
What is Minor?


1: One who is under the age of eighteen. the government put this into place to hopefully stop teenage pregnancy, teenage drinking, and to stop people over the age of 18 from being with the so-called "minor" even if it is consensual to both parties.

2: small; smaller. Not as important.

1: "Dude, that is so fucked up! I've been going with this guy for three years then he turns 18 four months ahead of me, and the police arrested him. that is so feckingstupid!"

2: "I'm majoring in law and minoring in child development at university. what are yours?"

See cat


A derogatory term used to refer to people under the age of 18 as not being able to do the same things that a person over the age of 18 could do. It is used mostly in countries that do not have smart enough people in them to realize that nothing changes when a person turns 18 (such as America).

Minor: Why can I not do the same things that you can do?

Adult: Because you need extreme protection because you are not a human being yet.

Minor: But why am I not a human being yet?

Adult: Umm, hey look over there a flying dog! *Adult runs*

See minor, faggot, nigger, same, discrimination, age, ageism, pointless, word, legal, slavery


The United States newest derogatory word. Next to faggot (and previously nigger) minor is the United States most popular way to discriminate against people. When gays eventually get full rights and the word faggot becomes unused, minor will be the only derogatory word, but, more then likely, the United States will find someone new to discriminate against. Possibly Jews?

The Land of the FREE*

19??-NOW | Freedom applies to those over 18, no minors

19??-NOW | Freedom applies to straights, no faggots

1700-1863 | freedom applies to whites, no niggers

See the, new, discrimination, minors, niggers, faggots, kids, children, adult


insignificant, not important

Michael-So do u like my new tune?

Ricardo-Its minor

See minor, waste, tune, insignificant


if someone messes with ya and there nothing..there minor...nothing to worry about

" he sed he was guna fcuk me up but hes minor nuttin 2 screw ova!"

See sarah


adj. Smaller or less by comparison.

Minor leagues are less important than major leagues.


A way of saying fine; no problem.

1st Guy: 'Dude, your girlfriend just got gang raped!'

2nd Guy: 'Minor, she was a slag anyway.'

See no problem, ok, cool, easy, fine


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