What is Mishawaka High School?
High school located in Mishawaka, IN. Known as one the of the roughest high schools in Northern Indiana, Mishawaka High is a place where 7 out of 10 female students are pregnant, and STD's run rampant. Any kind of drug that one desires can be readily accessed. It is home to an extremely diverse student body consisting of everything from emo kids,to preps, gangster,and cornfed hillbillies. the Enrollment rate is roughly 1700 at the beginning of each year and by the end of the year is somewhere around 1000. If you are rich or conceited you will most likely get your ass beat.
Side Note...Dont blame any misspelled words or grammer errors on me...I attended Mishawaka HIgh School
Penn Student: Did you see that article in the Newspaper about Mishawaka High School?
Mishawaka Student: No, I can't read.