
What is Moge?


Moge is the nickname of a Super-Cool girl, normally from Somerset, UK. She likes to have pointless arguments with her friends, usually named Tom and Oliver. Moge is a tall person that is definitely NOT a Linchi.

India: Who's that Super-Cool tall girl?

Kate: Oh, that's just Moge. She's Super-Cool.

Tom: Moge is Super-Cool. I think I'd like to have pointless arguments with her untiil we're old.

Oliver: Me too. but we'd keep our youthful good looks forever. she is definitely NOT a Linchi.

See moge, rachel, zaza, india, linchi


Short for Mogadishu, a shithole of a slum located on shit row in Somalia.

We should have just stigwashed the whole place with nukes. It's just a big shit shed anyway.


some one who seems to be poor/ in finace trouble

like they have no shoes.

person: man your a moge

moge: nah bro

person: were are ya shoes

moge: your jelouse what ya gonna do mish up town in ya fancy shoes?



hi moge

See moge


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