What is Molt?
It is a process of transformation done by many crustaceans, birds, reptiles, and insects. Basically, when eating the red pill instead of the blue, one obtains the ability of mystique. Red pills can be obtained randomly through out nature, as they are often found in certain types of plants, specifically in certain strains of algae and specific roots and cacti.
Humans have been known to accidentally ingest the red pill, though there are cases where this has been done purposefully. After ingestion, the ingestor will probably shed skin, feathers, or scales and transform into a multi.
I molted today. It was insane, I started shedding my skin and feathers sprouted out of my flesh :O
a redneck who can pack dip from one side of his mouth to the other on both his bottom and unper lips
a real original redneck
"dude i cant believe you just pounded down forty brew-skies, your a molt."
sit down and do nothing but rest
Alfred: Do you guys know what today is ?
Mr.Chimps: Cheep Cheep Sunday Molt.
John: That is a great idea.