Monkey Fucking

What is Monkey Fucking?


Attempting to fuck while wearing clothes.

Alyssa and Chad were monkey fucking in the bedroom because they were scared about getting caught with their clothes off when Alyssa's mom showed up to pick her up.

See monkey, fucking, fuck, sex, clothes


A sexual position involving a large woman and two five gallon buckets. The woman assumes a position where her asshole is pointed so that the best angle to fuck her is straight down, at which point you climb upon the two buckets and then proceed to fuck her in a vertical motion with your penis at a dick bending 180 degree angle. Most importantly you must then smack her ass cheeks with both hands with every successive thrust, giving you the appearance of a monkey hopping up and down with flailing arms. NOises are optional, but always appreciated

Call up your mom and tell your friend Bussy to bring some buckets, we are gonna do some monkey fucking tonight

See anal


when you are smoking a cigarette and you light the second cigarette with the first.

Dave enjoys monkey fucking outside of his dorm.

See monkey, fucking, cigarettes, chain smoker, smoking


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