
What is Moo-shoo?


The act of "shoo-ing" a person(s) using the sound typically associated with a certain farmyard animal, the cow. Instead of saying "shoo", used to express ones desire for the target to leave, the user says "moo". Although it is typically used in a jovial manner, it can be insulting depending on a)its delivery, such as an angry shout

b)the target, such as a person so large they could in fact be confused with a cow

Example 1: You briefly leave your seat only to return and find a friend utilizing your sitting spot.

You : Thats my seat man

Friend : I know but you left to get me a drink

You : Exactly i was doing you a fav... oh ffs "mooooo"!

Example 2: A fat kid you don't really know is listening in on you and your friend whilst you are conversating.

You :....and then we'll probably just go straight to the club?

Friends : Yeah sounds good but what about *insert friends name*... he doesn't have I.D...

Fat Kid: Oh are you guys going to that club, i've been there gazzilions of times it's just thriling isn't it.

You & Friends: ...who the hell? *moo moo moo*

The act of shooing using the word *moo*, hence, moo-shoo

See shoo, moo, moo-shoo


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