
What is Mother-fucker?


The Best Insult Ever!

You sick ass mo-fo!


Also pronounced as "muddafucka" usually spelled motherfucker.

Old black slave term for when the shit heel overseers were encouraged to breed with the field nigras in order to create a (a slightly) less smelly house negro.

Usually the most lowly of hired hands was designated for such a demeaning task.

Quimbo: That ol ned sho beez a muddafucka (mother-fucker) hee hee! He say he want his self a high yella of his own, cuz they is natural bown dicksuckers!

he may gib us a less smelly sister, or he it may be one dem hos that looks like de albino gorilla.

Ruffus: Yea they sho nuff iz. He gots mama behind de shed now. It only cost him a chicken and some watermelon rinds. Bend over de table doody booty! hee hee!

Ned: What the fuck are you laughing about nigger? I'm your mother-fucking-ing daddy too!

See motherfucker, mother-fucker, slave, kathaksung


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