
What is Moulinyan?


Italian-American slang for nigger.

Derived from Italian dialect word for "eggplant."

See also moolie.

check out those moulinyans on the corner


Phonetic spelling of mulignane - Italian for eggplant. Also moolie. Racial insult toward blacks.

But if I call myself a nigger what the fuck is that? (yeah, you know)

Don't be the coolie or the moolie or a boob with the jigger

Don't be the one... don't be the nigga

- Ice Cube from "Kill My Landlord"


Italian word refering to a black eggplant,

also a slang term used in place of nigger

, coon, jungle bunny, spear chucker, leroy, nigger, nigger, spook, nappy head, and mud flap.

what the fuck were you doing with that stinky fuckin' moulinyan, you didn't go ozone stargazing did you. You would be walking funny if you let that moulinyan donut hole you. For a minute I thought you were a nigger lover.


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