
What is Mps?


An initialism of the words Mega Piss Skill.

Often used in reference to ones ability to cause destruction to toilet cubicles, by means of mass-urination across all surfaces.

This behavioural act is most-often undertaken by frustrated commuters on packed trains, and renders the toilet cubical unusable by others. By creating inconvenience and raising misery to fellow travellers, this (relatively speaking), causes a reduction in their own misery, and makes them (effectively) happier. This form of relativity was never published by Einstein, but most likely, was at the forefront of his theories and was the catalyst for his greatest thoughts.

Adverse effects may be encountered when, after participating in MPS, you find yourself in a position where you need to re-use the toilet, being forced to stand in pools of your own piss.

Veteran MPS users may hone their skills to almost god-like levels, and undertake advanced techniques such as urinating only upon the toilet-roll. Unsuspecting subsequent users of the toilet will, on initial inspection, consider the cubical clean and will proceed to engage in defecation. Only on completing this act and requiring to wipe faeces residue from their crack, will they find the toilet-paper unusable.

Ted: "Holy crap, I need MPS"

5mins later…..

Ted: "I destroyed the toilet"

Petey: "Holy shit. MPS, man!"

30mins later……..

Petey: " Fuck, I need a piss, but Ted ruined the toilet with his MPS"

See mega, piss, skill, mps, urine, wee, pee


(Milf Poundin Squad)

badass group that pounds milfs all the time

mps pounds milfs all day and all night

See milf, pound, squad, mps, owned


Man Pussy Syndrome

Not only does Zac suffer from a red raw case of MPS, but he's well on his way to being our generations male version of Liza Minneli.

See pussy, sissy, metrosexual, douche


Magic Pussy Syndrome - a mindset that afflicts certain women with thinking that they are somehow special, above their female peers and men who try to approach them, due to the special status their pussy (being female) gives them.

These women believe they are princesses who deserve special treatment because they own a vagina.

Helen has a major case of MPS, she treats guys like dirt unless they supplicate like slaves.

See pua, seduction, asf, afc, mps


MPS(Mud Puddle Submarine)- While dipping on Copenhagen, you spit on the girls ass hole making a small puddle and then stick your dick in her ass, as if a submarine was submerging underwater.

"Last night I MPS this random snaggle cause she didn't have KY"

See ass, doggy, dip, back, fucking


Verb. To goof up. To make a complete fool of one's self.

Noun. An idiot or a goof. One who partakes in stupid acts.

Matt: So I was trying to catch the ball when I mpsed and ran into a concrete pole.

Nicholas: Wow. What a total MPS!


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