What is M-shift?
Furrys believe the have mental shifts into whatever animal, dragon, amphibian or whatever crazy stupid shit whack job furrys believe in. Has nothing to do with normal people.
Batshit insane if you ask me. Yiff in hell furfags!
Today I went to the dentist's office and experienced an involuntary M-Shift, being aware the whole time. I began growling and biting down on her tools, spooking the poor human quite a bit with my wolfish antics. I enjoyed it though.
The abbreviation of the phrase Mental Shift.
An M-Shift, or mental shift, is a
An M-Shift may be brought upon by many environmental and/or sensory factors, such as weather, certain people, smell, sound, taste, etc.
How intensely an m-shift is felt, and how long they last, vary from therian to therian.
See also:
I had an M-Shift about a week back; my first in quite some time.