What is Muggie?
The coolest people in the world. Totally straighedge 4 lyfe. Love clorox wipes and food. Go Camp Betsey Cox!
Wow, those muggies are so cool. Why can't I be cool like them?
A Snuggie, but for a man
Tiff: Yo is that a Snuggie?
Russ: No dude its a Muggie...a man Snuggie
A multi-talented young woman who spends two or three years of her life in a phase between camper and counselor at Camp Betsey Cox for girls. Muggies come in three different varieties- First year muggies, Second Year Muggies, and the newly added Interns, also known as Staf.
Located in Pittsford, Vermont, a muggie's drive for success and hard work comes second only to her male counterpart across barbed-wire fence at Camp Sangamon for boys.
"Looks like a camper took a dump on the floor again."
"Better get one of the muggies to clean it up."