What is Murb?
(slang) To masturbate
I can't hang out tonight. I'm going home to murb. Sorry guys.
1. name given to congrove's mullet by a student with the code name "jake". murb has magical powers, usually triggered by congrove's lack of masculine testosterone or by a large amount of marijuana during the school day (which ironically makes murb powerless against the murbuhtrons, who hate murb and want him to die). some of these powers include:
a)talking to everybody except those not named congrove
b)spying on the murbuhtrons to find out their next move in chess
c)transforming into congrove's toy poodle
2. a name you can call any duesche bag on the street
1. jake:congrove, is it in 3 fourthes scale or 4 fourthes scale?
congrove:just a minute(puts hand to ear,touching his mullet).....3 fourthes
jake:congrove, is it in 3 fourthes scale or 4 fourthes scale?
congrove:just a minute(puts hand to ear,touching his mullet)
murb:its okay congrove, make it 3 fourthes
congrove:3 fourthes
2. oh, look at congrove, he's such a murb.
Another word for "man boobs"
Man look at that fat guy! Hes got some huge murbs!