My Bust

What is My Bust?


A phrase denoting sorrow or apology, most typically utilized in the context of embarassing social situations.

Chad calls Nate for the purpose of clowning on Seth. Nate has Chad on speaker phone. Seth is in Nate's office. After Chad finds out Seth has overheard his comments, Chad would likely say, "Oh, my bust."

See my bad, sorry, roundhouse kick


my bust means like my bad, i'm sorry..or like oops didnt mean to do that

oooooo "My bust"!

See michelle


Term used by virgins when they overwhelm a girl with sexual advances and are crudely shot down.

Chad tried to put his hand up Caroline's, his lab partner's, skirt. When she said, "What are you going dork? As if!" Chad said, "My bust."

See my bad, sorry, excuse me


Term used by virgins when they overwhelm a girl with sexual advances and are crudely shot down.

When Chad tried to put his hand up Caroline's, his lab partner's, skirt, she said, "What the hell are you doing virgin? As if!" Chad then replied, "My bust."

See sorry, my b


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