What is Nastify?
Function: transitive verb
Inflected forms: nastified, nastifying
1: To dominate so thoroughly, and spectacularly in any competitive event (i.e. sports, video games, etc.) that it seems like the shit you are doing is impossible.
Example #1
Person A (reffering to GH3): "I just 100% Through the Fire and Flames on Expert!"
Person B: "You just nastified that shit!"
Example #2
Person A: (reffering to Super Smash Bros. 64): "Yo who's tryin to get nastified by Falcon?"
Person B: "Whatever son, I guarantee you won't nastify like last game with all 15 kills."
Example #3
After dropping 25 in the fourth to win the game. "Damn nigga, I nastified last night in the fourth!"
verb., To make nasty (disgusting, unpleasant or physically repellent.
Middle English nasti, possibly alteration of Old French nastre, bad, short for villenastre : vilein, bad; see villain + -astre, pejorative suff. (from Latin -aster).
Johnny is threatening to nastify himself so that no one bothers him so he can study for finals.