
What is Nawb?


nawb is another word for noob, or any other form of that word. Word thought up by Leedle and Methmaster from RuneScape. In making fun of their clan leader, Jibs2ndpure, they called him Jawbs and made noob rhyme with it. Then they started saying nawb and started calling him "Jawbs2ndnawb" and stuff like that.

Haha, look at that nawb, he is almost as nawb as jawbs.

See noob, n33b, newb, noobie, runescape



Another form and expression of the word noob, newb, n00b, and newbie.

"OMFG, HeS no Pwnerer, thhats just a nawb~!!1x3"

See nawb, noob, newb, nub, nab, sob, sawb, noobie, newbie


Nawb: a noob or newb who is proud of being who and what they are, team MX come to mind

KING OF NOOBS:"com'on nawbs, lets go on online and have our noob fest'

ALL: "yay!"

See noob, newb, online, proud, noobie, newbie, nawb


A noob that is proud of being what he or she is, a nawb openly states that he/she is a noob or mx come to mind

"nawb on nawb action guys?"


See noob, newb, noobie, nawb, newbie, proud


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