
What is Ned?


Non - educated delinquent Scottish Chav. Different accent ... simular clothing and same attitude.

Normal Person: Hello

Ned: AIIiiiiiight

Normal Person: ?

Ned: Aye pure dingy man am no a ned!!

Normal Person: m'kay.


A Ned is a Non Educated Delinquent. They are usually in groups of about 10-20 and call themselves "Teams, Fleetos and Bundys". They are all weak and only "fight" in groups and by "fight" i mean "slashing or "chibbing" or using any other instrument other than their fists. Dress-sense-wise most have a Berghaus jacket (usually stolen from someone they have attcked) complete witha burberry hat tuned to the moon and bright white socks pulled over joggers covered in "bommers". A "bommer" being a small hole burned from smoking hash in a joint. Female nedettes referred to as Sengas are pretty much the same although they have 5 rings on average on each finger complete with fake gold earrings. They hang around the streets looking for a fight , stealing cars and drinkin cheap booze usually "buckie" or the really poor, "Merrydown" or even a cheap bottle of cider costing about £1.50 a litre. They have poor vocabulary , usually because the dropped out of school at the age of 12. Unemployed little "hairies" their mothers couldn't care less about them as they're usually herion addicts themselves. No life ahead of them except alcholism , abuse and homelessness.

" Wit u fuckin lookin it ya fuckin fanny ? "

"Am gonny chib you ya dafty ! "

" ... Fleeto numba wan , runnin the show ! "

See jenna


Scots : A young waster who lives in the Glasgow area; a hooligan; a gang member, with skip cap, tracksuit and socks tucked into trainers. Poss. from "Non-Educated Deliquent"

"Ah'm no a ned"


The epitome of obnoxious youth, to be found hanging around in parks, on street corners and outside the local 'offie' or dealer's house waiting to buy cheap cider, buckie or resin.

Pastimes include beating up strangers, meeting their parole officer and drinking afore-mentioned cider or buckie.

Generally attired in fake burberry cap tilted skywards, trackie bottoms tucked into football socks and a variety of fake gold "sovvies". In the case of the female of the species, this is accessorised by a roll of fat cut in two by a high-rise thong, 17 fake gold hoops in each ear and a screaming, ugly toddler to which she gave birth at the age of 13.

Favourite phrases include 'awrite, ya bam', 'Ah'm gonnae kick yer cunt in' and 'are youse lookin' fur a fight?'

"I was innocently walking down the street when a ned threw an empty buckie bottle at my head."


the male: usually very thin, wearing a berghaus jacket, trakies tucked into socks, cheap(fake) lacoste trainers, hair that looks like it could land a plane, uaually stoned and drunk(oot der heed man) and would shag anything with a pulse as long as she is a nedette

the female: either very fat or very thin, face that has been plastered with a brand of foundation that has been produced from the tango factory, wearing very little clothes that show off the eight month old bump, wearing three or more fake gold rings on every finger, at least two 3" thick chains sportin someone elses name and usually found on the end of a male neds cock.

similarities: are usually found standing on random street corners drinking cheap alcohol called buckfast or md 20-20, every second word is fuck or some other random word that is intended to offened but no one knows what it means

look at dat big mad scary goff man, am gonnae chibb u ya baw, aye a fucked yer maw last night n she wis luvin it man


A Scottish term for the often uneducated and invariably aggressive teenagers found throughout Britain. Identified by gold jewellery (especially sovereign rings), baseball caps, white trainers and/or Kappa/Burberry branded clothing. The name is thought to derive from 'Edward', as in teddy boy. It is in no way an acronym for "non-educated delinquent", which is in any case ungrammatical.

"A bunch of wee neds broke in last week and vandalised the place."



The word ned is believed to stand for non-educated delinquant. They are basically violent scottish youths and in some cases adults. They are known to wear berghaus or tracksuits, though just wearing the clothes does not make a ned as the violence and arrogance must be present. Neds are usually quite racist and hate anyone who looks different or is from another gang. Ned is basically a trend of violence like its english equivalent the chav. There is some conffusion about neds being another name for the working class, this is not true as class does not determine violence.

(person walks by neds while talking to his friends)

ned: oi you ya cunt

person: huh?

ned: you fuckin acting wide

person: what?

ned: whatch it or I'll smash you

(person walks away with friends)

ned: ya fukin boostin ya cunt

(the ned and his ned friends chase after them and assault them. They may possibly use knifes or another weapon, at the end person will be badly hurt. The person's belongings at the time will be stolen along with his friends belongings).

See chav, townie, scally, scum, thug


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