Network Nazi

What is Network Nazi?


An individual, usually male, who runs the Office IT in a ruthless fashion. For example, he will not let you keep fun jpegs or mpegs on the server for long, and discourages entertaining emails sent to the whole company. Every time he works on your computer, he changes your desktop image from picture of your family to None.

Sorry. I didn't get your email. Our Network Nazi blocks all emails that are from Yahoo addresses.

See internet, work, career, it, computer


A pejorative term for a network executive

Shows that are funny are often overtly censored or canceled by the network nazis.

See exec, nazi, television, tv, pejorative


Someone who berates a fellow Facebookuser for joining a City Network when they may not actually live in that city.

Paddy - "Why have you joined the London Network? Why? You don't live there. Why would you do that? Why?"

Ruth - "What's it got to do with you - Network Nazi."

See facebook, online


1. A slang term used to describe the local or remote IT administrator. Often used by user who posses little or no techincal knowledge combined with complete discrespect/disregard for corporate IT policies.

2. An underapreciated and underpaid IT aministrator who deals with Stupid users all day ( the ones who need to use a guide to send an email...or the ones who accidentaly move folders on files shares) and manages not to call them fuktartds or LUsers. To get back at them he fully enforces the corporate IT policy.

3. An overpaid babysiter- charged with the task of making sure users dont fuck shit up.

4. A liason between HR/Legal or Departmental Managers and the users- often the one who has to play the role of the "bad guy"

User on phone to cyber girlfriend ( who is probaly a man in real life...)- "The Network Nazi removed IM so I cant cyber with you during work"

User to Manager:

The Network Nazi made me change my password again... and I cant remeber all 8 letters so i couldnt run the report."

The Network Nazi removed all of my passwords i had taped to my monitor.

See luser, user, it, cyber


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