What is Nicca?
A way fo' youth to say nigga so adults who don't like
on tha phone: Nicca pleeze
ol' lady: What did you say young lady?
young lady: I said nicca{
dayum }
ol' lady: Oh, okay dear
------------now if she hadda said what she meant{Please nigga; I said nigga {damn} she woulda got beat wit a walker
slang for the slang word nigga
aightcho igotchu peace nicca
another word for nigga, homie, dude, guy, buddy, g
What up nicca?
Who is you nicca?
nigga, homie, dude.
that nicca gone crazy.
a variation of the word nicca used by lazy fucks who are to lazy to pronounce a G sound.
ya nicca i unna uh er azz
(Yo Nigga'! IM gonna Whoop yer ASS!)
A) A
B) One of Nicaraguan heritage.
D) A + B.
E) All of the above.
Pumster : Did you get yourAcademic Specifications Sheet in the
Luis : We don't have mail in Nicaragua.
Pumster : Oh right, theCastro thing. Hahaha, stupid niccas.