
What is Nignug?


Racial term used for a lazy/fat black person; male or female.

R: Hey guys look it's a nignug sitting out on the porch!

Matt: You racist bastard! it's a monkey.

Chris: Yeah, probalby not.


Matt&Chris: You racist fuck!

R: Not me.


Derived from the words "My Nigga" it means your boy who you are close to.

Synonyms: Main Partna', Pal, Best Friend

"Ay NigNug whatchou gettin' into tonight?"

See nignug, main, best, friend, pal


A marijuana nugget so poor in quality that it could only be considered smoke-able by an African American.

Damn Josh, please say you didn't pay money for that nignug!?!

See marijuana, weed, blacks, nigra, african american


Don't pay attention to the first defintion, that guy totally ripped me off. I created the word NigNug. It is actually not a racial slur, so to speak, but a McDonalds chicken nugget that can talk, and has the facial features and ebonic speech as an African American man. Their favorite sauce to be dipped in is BBQ or Rock sauce. (made from Cocaine, baking soda, and pickle juice.)

It can also be used as a term of endearment for a friend or family member.

Example #1:

Juice: "Yo, let me get a 6-piece NigNug and some honey to dip em' in, bitchface."

NigNug: "You bettah nawt be dippin' my ass in no honey. Sticky ass shit, I'll whoop your ass you whitebread muthafuckah."

Juice: "Damn, NigNugs are picky."

Example #2:

"Yo, hand me that lighter so I can spark this pipe, my nignug"

See Juice


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