North Dakota

What is North Dakota?


1) Not part of Canada.

2) Where most of the film "Fargo" wasn't filmed.

Isn't North Dakota in Canada?



See also: nuclear proliferation

Would have dominated world politics had it seceded from the United States during the Cold War because of it's highly concentrated amount of nuclear weapons in such a small area.

Russian Official in Moscow informing his peers: Comrades, North Dakota has seceded from the United States. We must establish political connections and negotiate an embassy in Bismark. If they side with Mother Russia, surely the United States will fall.


1) the 39th state to enter the union

2) the Peace Garden State

3) the full name for the postal code ND

4) the home of places such as Fargo, Bismarck, Minot, Grand Forks, and Medora

5) the state that has the Theodore Roosevelt National Park

6) (Dakota) comes from a Sioux Indian word that means "friend" or "ally"

7) a state whose state flower is the wild praire rose

8) a state that has a high percentage of it's high school graduates go on to collage

9) a state that has a high percentage of church goers

10) a state that has a high percentage of underage drinking

11) my home state

North Dakota will always be in my heart.


1. The Coldest Damn State Within The Borders Of The US. Ironicly They Made A Movie About Us Called Fargo. Whats Even More Ironic Is How Much Truth Is In The Movie.

2. State Where The Seasons Are Renamed To:

HEll On Earth, Mosquito, HELL On Earth Frozen Over, Constrution.

weatherman: well tomarrow is going to quite alot warmer but still a bit brisk. the high is going to be -40 degrees and the low will be around -60. and dont forget about that windchill.


The only normal state left in this country.

We do have: running water, electricity, water, metal structures, cars, things to do, room, breathable air, and beer. And the nicest damn people you'll ever meet.

We don't have: real gangsters (Natives caught with cigarettes and sent to YCC don't count), a high crime rate, homeless people on every other block, bad traffic.

Nodak is also quite possibly the best place to underage drink in the US...#1 son (google it and check some statistics).

North Dakota is NOT full of hicks. Nor hillbillies. Nor rednecks. Just normal people. And normal people like fast cars, big trucks, and everything with wheels. We play video games, go to the mall, go to concerts, watch movies, and listen to loud music, just like other people. There is plenty to do, as long as you aren't a lazy ass about it and expect entertainment to just be handed to you constantly.

Oh yea, the weather is really unpredictable, so you can't be a bitch about it.

Conversation amongst North Dakota teens:

#1: "Hey man, what are you gonna do this weekend?"

#2: "Well, Friday I'm either going to a show or the movies, then Saturday I'm gonna go get my booze in Bismarck and party at XYZ's house."

#1: "Sweet, I'm goin' down there Saturday too. Need to find a buyer yet, though."

#3: "Here, I'll give you my sister's number, she'll get whatever you want as long as you pay."

#1: "Aight, thanks. You guys wanna come play some CoD4tonight after school?"

#2: "Chyea, that game's tits."

#3: "Fuck yea, let's do it! Ima pwn your asses."

See nd, binge drinking, drunk


The state with the lowest age to be able to get a driver's license, which is 14.

14 year old North Dakota kid: I just got my license!!!

16 year old Connecticut kid: I just got my learner's permit....

See usa, fargo, awesome, farm, rulez


#1 in binge drinking bitches.

whats there to do in north dakota? get fucked up bitches!

See true, booze, beer, titties, logan


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