
What is Not?


A word made popular in the early 90's by the movie Wayne's World. You add "not" to the end of a sentence to make blatant the sarcasm in the sentence itself.

"What a totally amazing, excellent discovery... NOT!!!" -Wayne Campbell


Boolean logic operator that inverts a given value. Often denoted with '~' ('!' in programming languages).

(NOT a) AND (NOT a') = a

See and, or, nor, xor, not


A state of being

Coined by Scott Ian of the band Anthrax then later made popular by the movie Wayne's world.

He's a GREAT singer.... NOT!

See aint, isn't, no way, as if


A street word referring to Methamphetamines.

Etymology: Called "not" because when you're on Not, you're NOT hungry, NOT sleeping, NOT caring, NOT boring, etc...

Hubbard: Hey, man... what've you got for me?

Stanley: I got not.

Hubbard: Wicked, man. How much?

Stanley: It's all dolla' for dolla' this time.

Hubbard: Sounds great. I'll take 20 cents.

See dope, speed, ice, crank, crystal, meth


A word people used to say in the early 90s made popular by the movie Wayne's World. It means "not really" or "we were just kidding".

I got struck by lightning while I was rollerblading today. Not!

See P.A.


1> To intend to carry out a task and back out at the last moment.

2> To make a false statement.

James looks like Graham Cash not.


Used to describe an actual state of being.

When someone does something to the extreeme, or does something too much, you -contrary to popular belief- say "not" to describe those actions

-Not Jon Ha is a fag.

-Not Jen got dumped by Jon Ha.

-Not always beating up Jon Ha.


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