
What is Nq?


NQ: Not Qualified

Acronym adjective for the description of the physical or mental prowess of a person (people) performing a task. Often used in a covert manner to your co-workers/friends

1. That guy was totally out of his league... he is NQ to the max.

2. There is a lot of NQ here.


A board on the site neopets that was once the equivalent to an imperial capital of a nation, that nation being Neopets.

NQ stands for NeoQuest, which is a game on Neopets that is just really lame, plus the reward for beating it just signifies what a waste of time it was. So really all the old NQers, called Kingdomers, just roleplayed and talked about life and other enlightening things normally not related to the retarded game. There was always the occasional nerd that would ridicule and report anyone who was "off-topic", which might have been the main cause of the Great Freeze, which was just a really dumb decision by the Neopets admins (TNT) to delete the accounts of anyone not talking about their game. The Great Freeze drove most of the Kingdomers out.

Today NQ consists of losers who make numbered boards and actually TALK about NeoQuest, how lame is that. It also consists of retards who can't tell the difference between the Quests board and the NeoQuest board. There is now a new NeoQuest out, cleverly named NeoQuest II, and people talk about that disgrace as well. Sometimes a Kingdomer will poke their omnipotent head out of the heavens and shine light upon the newer generation of NQers, but the new kids just call us "n00bz" and other lame stuff that is really just like a puny insect buzzing around our godly heads.

A few names of Kingdomers are Alkal, Serb, Misti, Tatsu (aka Tatty), Sab, Cirrus, Exi, Silver, Sidus, Mono, and a lot of other people either not worthy of mention or that I just forgot.

Examples of the current NQ boards:

NeoQuest Chat/Help/Play #1855 - lyk where's our trophies? D=

NQHQ #10 The NeoQuest HeadQuarters

i need a mynci t-shirt fast

*glorious trumpeting as a kingdomer appears*

NQ I question

what level should i be for Leximp on evil mode

Generally any Kingdomer is considered an elitist and should be worshiped at all times by the petty neanderthals that like to boast about how they've been at NQ for three years, as if that's either a long time or an accomplishment worth recognition (which of course it isn't because all the new kids suck).

Misti: "So today I fed a raccoon by HAND."

Random worthless new NQer: "What does this have to do with NeoQuest? Take this somewhere else, n00b."

Misti: "You fucking suck, go die in a corner."

See kingdom, nq, neopets, great freeze


NQ:no quarters

A undrgrnd hip hop and boardsports(snow, skate, wake) clothing brand from Qc city

Man, this NQ shirt is dope

See hip hop, snow, skate, wake, clothing


No Quote. An instant messenger abbreviation used when one does not wish to be quoted.

Person #1 - OMGWTFBBQ, I <3 -----!

Person #2 - ORLY?

Person #1 - YARLY

Person #2 - *quotes*

Person #1 - LOLNQ

See no, quote, liar, secret, valerie


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