
What is Nube?


Someone so pittiful and idiotic the they have not even the megar skills to be titled a noob, they are now a nube, derived from the word nub, dervied from stub. Yes they are nothing more than what remains of a dismembered penis.


"Wow, nube, go get pwned..."


A word used by nerds to get back at kids who don't play video games all the time. Like a reversal of the whole jock vs nerd thing, except old school nerds were smart, present day nerds just play video games.It's really pathetic when you hear someone try to diss someone else on that basis.

Melvin: You're such a nube, I just pwned you!

Joe: Yeah, well at least I have friends.

See pwned, newb, noob, newbie, owned


pronounced noob

nipple-pube commonly found on scrawny teenage boys. very prevalent among those afflicted by the gingergene.

can be used in all the same ways as noob also.

1)wow, mark has a massive amount of nubes.

2)wow, thomas is such a baller he makes daniel and johnny look like total nubes,

See noobs, n00bs, nipple, pubes, ginger


someone who is new at something like a game.

He's such a nube!


The way noobs spell 'noob'.

Pro: PWNED (pronounced 'owned'), NOOB!

Noob: Poned, nube!

See pone, newb, dumbass, fail, douche


The word "nube" is becoming a universal word, being used as an adjective, a noun, and even a verb. Used to describe a restaurant, to call a fellow teammate when he royally screws up, and to say you nubed something/someone when you accomplished something in a novice, unskillful way.

Most basic usage:

Person 1: Yo have you guys seen Peter Tumbas's video blog?

Me: Yeah what a nube.

Person 1: Yo did you see Peter Tumbas get stuffed by the goalie.

Me: Yeah that nube got pwned.

When hustling a 5 year old in an arcade game like jackpot, you "nubed" him out of his tickets

If you get stuck in a terrible parking spot, and your buddies didnt.

You: Damn we had to park way in the back.

Friend: Wow, what a nube spot.

See nube, nubed, novice, pwned


The hair on a black man's head which resembles those of his pubes.

Al Sharpton's head has a bunch of, nasty, strangly, nubes. He should probably attempt to groom his nubes.

*Note that nube is commonly mistaken as a pube, yet, while there is a striking resemblence, a nube is located on a black man's head (and no, that is not his dick).

See yet


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