
What is Obamaism?


any quote that comes out of senator Barrack Obama's mouth

obama stated that all dogs have fleas the media jumped on this and called it an obamaism

See obama, ism, barrack, politics, usa


Making alot of promises to people to get them baffled into beliving in what you stand for. Using false promises to win an election

Man, I really thought I was gonna gets my welfare check. Instead it was just alot of Obamaism.

See obama, liberal, barack, msnbc, democrats


Obama-style collectivism. Barack Obama's political principle of centralized social and economic control.

George Soros' recognizes Obamaism as the perfect scheme for harmonizing tribalism and socialism.

See barack, obama, socialism, markism, capitalism


A word used portray the act of leading a nation towards changeand prosperity. "Yes We Can" is the saying that is reflected apon the word. Obamaism is derived from the root term Obama.

Pronounced: Obama-ism.

Person 1: Dude, what are your political veiws?

Person 2: Man, thats easy! I beleive in Obamaism.

See obama, black, united states, dope, yes, we, can, soft, mccain, cliton, barak


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