
What is O.d.?


overdose; generally fatal, in so much as that one's system cannot handle the quantity of drug being pumped into it; hence death; generally a body-wide systems failure.

as drugs become the more popular venue of entertainment/escape the rate of O.D. rises in accordance.


over dose

I o.d.ed on crack.


To over-do; An unnecessary overexageration.

You swam through the Atlantic? That's O.D. Stop lying...


over-doing something

he O.D.ed with that fight


over dosed, over did something

Oh my god dat car accident was O.D., I said you could have a sip but you just O.D.'d on my soda.

See overboard, too much, sick, extreme, o-d


Someone who is going overboard with the situation.

(Standing in line while getting their lunch.)

Person A: I don't even know why I go nachos, I didn't really want it.

Person B: So throw it away.

(Principal Ms. Lee walks by and Person A dumps their lunch on her)

Person A: That's O.D., son!

See od, overdose, o.d., beast


The biggest and baddest crew in the whole of the E7! Boss!

Made up of the three baddest peeps in London, Artist, Marshall and Slain, O.D. has become famous throughout the crews of FG!

P.S. big up the LONDON massive!

"Hey, O.D.'s tagged up our turf boss!"

"Yeah, hey blad, they got my cat boss!"

"Hey WTF mofo, those bastads tagged up my mama!"

See marshall, slain, artist, o.d., od, O.D.


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