What is Onjd?
Obsessive Nick Jonas disorder. One of the most common disorders among the OJD family.
*Most common symptoms:
-Constant Nick thoughts, may even lead to distraction at school, etc.
-Use of Nick phrases in affected person's vocabulary.
-Internet history full of Nick-related pages.
-Feelings of hate/jealousy towards anyone who has rumors of dating Nick. (e.g Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus etc.)
-Happiness and/or excitement provoked by a photo or video containing Nick-related material.
-Nick Jonas wallpaper, ringtone, posters, etc.
-Member of a Nick Jonas fan club.
-Someone with ONJD will do anything to be near Nick. ANYTHING.
*Might cause fights with your friends who also have this problem
*It affects girls that are between 12-17 years old. ONJD in males is extremely rare.
*It's transmitted mostly by the Disney and Family Channel.
*There's only one known cure for ONJD. That’s to marry Nick Jonas
ONJD girl:
did you see Nick at the teen choice awards?
ONJD girl #2
yeah he was sitting next to Selena and demi.
ONJD girl
ugh i hate her! he's mine!
ONJD girl #2
No he's MINE!