Oval Office

What is Oval Office?


a slang term for the vagina

Mr. Lincoln loves to work in the Oval Office

See vagina, cunt, pussy, bearded oyster, hair pie


Most people might not know this (well maybe you do) but the White House is actually a huge mental institute, home to the USA's biggest crackpots. The Oval Office is the maximum security cell-the biggest one of them all, and it's home to "Inmate F.U.C.K.T.A.R.D." also known as George Bush.

...So yeah, stay away from the Oval Office.

See rbg, rfg, rf, sdf


The toilet. This word is usually associated with excessive vomiting due to massive intake of alcohol, a hangover, or projectile diarrhea

Jimmy totally dominated the oval office after 18 beers and $25 worth of Taco Bell.

See toilet, hangover, alcohol, diarrhea, taco bell


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