What is Oweos?
Oweos: Of and pertaining to, balls, nuts, cajones. Being bold almost to the point of stupidity.
That guy's got some hellacious oweos to attempt to jump the grand canyon...again.
Basically the word "oweos" can be used in many different ways. It can be used as words such as Bos, Boys, Nuts, Penis, basically anything and everything that is Weiss. (See Weiss in Urban dictionary)
Example: I like those fucken oweos
Meaning: I like that guys balls.
Example: Those fucken bos were being oweos, and I want to eat that fucken shit
Meaning: Those guy were being balls, I want to eat that stuff
Example: You are such a fucken oweos, and I am angry.
Meaning: First of all John why are you so mad? 2nd, You are such a f in ball, and I am in anger with you.