
What is Oxycontin?


Synthetic opiate used as a powerful prescription pain-killer, but also popular in rural america as an illegal and cheap narcotic to get high on. Often referred to as "hillbilly heroin" for it's reputation and popularity among the avante garde of the local trailer park.

let's all git high on somma this here oxycottin and go home and beat our wives tonight

See taylor


oxycontin, oxy, OC, O are street names for this popular narcotic. To take oxy you have to bypass its time relaes, you can do this by peeling off the coating and chewing it, crushing it up and railing it, or in rare cases disolve it with a little water and slam it, that is to say inject it. Oxy is the most expensive drug out there ranging from $20-$50 for a 40mg pill or $35-$100 for a 80mg pill, $25 if you're lucky. An average user will use a minimum of 80mg to a maximum of 320mg a day. That's up to $300 a day!!

You'll start taking oxy because it helps you work or it makes you feel good whatever but watch out take too much oxycontin for too long and you'll end up where if you don't do it, you'll be in the worst pain of your life.

Imagine the pain of the worst flu you've ever had in your life, take away the stomach aches and multiply the weakness, body aches and the feeling of pins and needle in every muscle of your body by about 10 and you have the pain of an oxy withdraw.

People will do oxy at work because it takes away the pain you get in your legs and feet after standing for hours on end. bust a rail and you're good to go.

The high you get from oxy is the greatest high in the world, getter than coke, and all that, it's indescribealble. If you think about it it's kind of like an insta-tanked pill. Once you take it you're loose and free kinda like being drunk but you wont get sick and you don't feel bad in the morning

You can also party like a rockstar all night long without getting tired.

If you have a hangover or you're getting sick bust a rail you'll be better in seconds.

Needless to say there are many reasons to get on oxy but a warning to all... You will spend every dime you have and a lot more, you'll hit rock bottom and guess what, there's nothing you can do about it because you physically can't stop railing this magic pill. You sleep habits get messed up 12 hours of sleep will feel like only 4 hours of sleep, the only way to wake up is to hit up a rail, but once you do that you;; be good to go like nothing ever happened. Be carful though, once you exhibit the symptoms i've just listed, that's when you are officially addicted... The end will be inevitable.

This drug is a great thing but dont abuse it my friends, you'll never forgive yourself

I've been doing oxy for about 2 years now and have spent tens of thousands of dollars on it. I know people that have spent more than that

its a mental and physical addiction that you cant beat and i cant give you an answer on how to get off because i've never met anyone who has been able to accomplish this feet. Jack Osborn and Rush both supposedly got off but they both went to a detox clinic.

Good luck to all of you

see you in the next life

See oxy, oc, o, ladies, oxycotton, oxycotin




A legitimate opiate pain medication intended only to alleviate moderate to severe intractable pain under the supervision of a physician for documented conditions. It is dangerous and against the law not to mention better judgement and common sense to pursue any other use. To imply that oxycontin or any narcotic analgesic should be taken with alchohol or taken in crushed form is quite wrong, not to mention stupid and DEADLY. Oxycontin relieves severe nerve pain and other moderate to severe pain in those who REQUIRE IT, by slightly depressing the central nervous system- thus someone not initiated in opiate therapy (as in someone who is not prescribed this medicine or whom takes it against package instructions and doctors orders) is putting their lives at risk by getting 12 hours worth of medicine all at once, thus excessively depressing their central nervous systems and ceasing the breathing mechanism, slowing heart/pulse rate, DUH...Oxycontin is not intended as a 'high' for anyone, but as a PRESCRIBED, TAKEN AS DIRECTED pain relief medicine for those in pain PERIOD. In this capacity it can save lives. It is also a controlled substance under the law, because of the fools who believe it's intended for getting stoned. It's certainly hoped the erroneous definitions dissapear- any comparison to heroin is irrelevant(although heroin is also a pain medicine which was so widely abused in our society that it has been outlawed in this country, though it is still in use overseas today for legitimate purpose).

Jane was prescribed OXYCONTIN for deep visceral nerve pain following a botched back operation which left her in agonizing pain. OXYCONTIN has given Jane some quality of life back. Jane must keep her OXYCONTIN locked in a secret cabinet because of the idiots who wish to abuse it in order to get 'high'. Jane does not get high from her medication, she gets relief.

See mel


Rush Limbaugh the fat loser moron piece of shit's drug of choice

Rush talking to his maid: "Get me 1,000 more oxycontin tablets, oh and don't tell anybody because I rag on addicts every day and don't want anybody to know what a hypocrite I am........


Synthetic opiate ; painkiller. Obtained by prescription. Prescribed for moderate to severe chronic pain. Sold by people who tell their doctor they need it, but rather have $5000 for a bottle of 100 pills. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy, like you're wrapped in the warmest blanket and safe. Yet when your off it, you get withdrawal and anxiety to the world, because you have been numb/high/ for so long. Most people say they see everything "clearer" when they become sober.

10, 20, 40, 80 mg's. The 160's were pulled from the market.

Not something people do (or should do) on the weekend for "fun" like maybe say, alcohol. More like something you "have" to do to have fun, because you're addicted and if you don't do it, you'll feel like shit.

"I love oxycontin but then I hate it?"

"yo..., got anything(oxycontin)?"

The old little lady across the street sold me oxycontin.

See oc, oxy, big boys, oxycontin


Oxycontin-;A pill that comes from your local dealer round the way. Comes in pink 20's yellow 40's, n them off-green fat boy 80's. A pill u clean, bust down with a hose clamp from your car -wich can easily be converted into a cheese-grater like tool, only its not cheese your about to grate-,and people either snort, or melt it down and shoot it up. Highly addictive, known to be Highly euphoric, and HIGHLY expensive.

I was addicted to Oxycontin for a good 5 years before i got off of them bitches, had the money to do it, had vast access to snag it, and a tolerance to the stuff that you wouldnt believe. I coulda probably done enough OC in one day to put down a friggin Rhino. Thats how bad it gets. Once that tolerance builds up, your Screwed, cause it takes more and more to get off like you want to. Just dont friggin do it folks. Be smart. If yall already do them things, You know what the F**k im talkin bout.

See oc's, bean


Oxycontin is a controversial drug which is specially coated to deliver small amounts of oxycodone over a long peroid of time. This narcotic is often abused by removing the coating and then either injected, snorted, or taken orally to enter the body all at once. This causes a rushing high similar to heroin.

Mmmm oxy... I sure wish I had some right now ;)


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