Pearl Harbour

What is Pearl Harbour?


Cold (weather). An example of it would be - "It's a bit Pearl

Harbour out here!" Meaning - there's a nasty 'nip' in the air.


While getting a blow-job, you show no inclination you're about to cum - then "suprise attack"- you cum in her mouth.

She was going harder thinking I was a long time cuming, then I shoot her a pearl harbour

See pearl necklace, oral sex, fellatio, ejaculate, blow-job


When it is a little cold outside. Hence: a nip in the air.

You might need your jacket. The weather's a bit pearl harbour this morning.

See pearl, harbour, weather, japanese, ww2


To perform a ruthless and brutal attack on another without that person's awareness.

Doctor, this man's nose is still bleeding from the Pearl Harbour he received from his co-workers. Poor bastard.


Hunk on the hill....

'Check out that massive lezzer over there, she loves a bit of the old pearl harbour'

See lezzer, rugmuncher, butch, hunk


The biggest mistake the Japanese ever made.

1:think the japs regret bombing pearl harbour after we dropped a couple big-ass bombs on them?

2:guess so...

See pearl harbour, japs, japanese, mistake, ww2


While engaging in doggy style sex, the man pulls out and spits on the girls back, making her think that he has ejaculated. When she turns around he proceeds to ejaculate on her face in sneak attack fashion.

"My girlfriend took out a restraining order after I pulled a pearl harbour on her."


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