What is People Without A Life?


People who hang their egos on whether or not someone who bothers, without pay, to shuffle through hundreds, 100's, of idiot nonsense to look for a diamond in the rough, on Urban Dictionary, votes "publish" to affirm their value as humans by thus saying "OK this is marginally acceptable, I will click publish." is a 'person without a life,' and YES I voted 'yes, publish the POS' to the guy who called me a person without a life for bothering to sift through his and other's dung heap to get a few decent definitions published.

Thank you,

You are Welcome!

Try putting up your crap on Wikipedia! They would be so nasty they would have you committed or on serious psychoactive drugs. The best place on the Internet to find people without a life is on Wikipedia!

See idiots, moron, inbred, yo mama


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