What is Pfaf?
Acronym - Posting For A Friend
Posting, as a favor, to a mailing list or a forum for someone who is not on the aforementioned mailing list or forum. The friend does not have to sign up to get the benefits of membership. The poster writes "Posting for a friend" with the hope that he will not be tied to the post, nor get the further inquiries. Most of the time this does not work.
from John <john.doe@gmail>
to newyork-aptmnts@googlegroups,
date Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 8:32 PM
subject - PFAF: 3BR+bath near central park
Posting for a friend - 3BR+bath near central park Bla Bla Bla
Please respond directly to jane.doe@gmail I know nothing more about this.
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