What is Phone Book?
Verb: A child abuse strategy employing a phone book as a "protective" pad between the victim and a wrench. When used the phone book technique will result in severe internal injuries which don't photograph well, and are therefore less likely to be used against you in court. The over-all result is a more grievous and a more private injury.
I'm pretty drunk, but I still don't want to go back to jail. I guess I'll have to phone book my redheaded step kids.
The book one uses to find the phone number of their internet service provider when they can't get the internet to work on their own.
aw fuck dude, grab the phone book, my internet's fucked and I wanna show you this bitch stomp on this guys balls repeatedly... it's hot.
Used as to describe the appearance of someone...from the joke "she/he's so ugly his name shouldn't be in the phone book."
Two guys are at the park and a particulary ugly girl walks past them. They look at each other and say, "phone book!"
Slang for a telephone directory.
"pass us the phone book"