
What is Pic?


Pic is short for picture. Used to describe any photograph or picture posted on the internet. Once it's on the internet, it's a pic.

Can you send me that nude pic of the Olsen Twins?


(P)artner (I)n (C)rime-or pic is another name for a best friend.

"My pic and I went to the warped tour"

See Tripod


this is short for picture

omg! i love that pic!


Acronym for Peripheral Interface Controller. A microcontroller for controlling peripherals.

What PIC do you use for controlling ...


Partner In Crime

Ashley is my PIC.

See pic, p.i.c, crime, partner, bad


The word for 'bastard,brat' in Turkish .In some contexts it means 'lucky person'

A-Where is C's father?

B-Noone knows.He's a bastard.

Dialogue in Turkish:

A-C'nin babası nerede?

B-Kimse bilmiyor.O bir piç.

where it means 'lucky person'

A- Look at Martin and the chick with him!

B- Wow, bastard ,look at that stuff!

Dialogue in Turkish

A- Martin'e ve yanındaki pilice bak!

B- Vay,piç,şu mala bak!

See piç, bastard, brat


An acronym for Pregnancy Inquiry Count, which calculates "Am I pregnant" questions.

The PIC rates are off the roof today!

The ILF Posse rocked the 1M PIC!

See posse, pregnancy


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